Startups and Technology

Startups and Technology

Building an 8-bit Computer: Program Counter

I’m amazed to find it’s been 8 months since my last update. I’ve clearly been busy.

Building an 8-bit Computer: ALU

It’s been a few months since my last update, but the registers are now all fully working. I’ve been slowly building the ALU, and tested it today. It worked first time!

Building an 8-bit Computer: Stripboard Registers

This update is about some problems I encountered while building registers and an ALU for my 8-bit computer capable of running Pong. It’s part of a longer series about the build process for the whole computer.

Building an 8-bit Computer: Registers

I’m building an 8-bit computer capable of running Pong. This post is about the computers’ registers, and other posts in this series are about different stages of building the computer.

Building an 8-bit Computer: the Display

I’m building an 8-bit computer capable of running Pong! This post is about my first steps with getting the display working.

Building an 8-bit computer: some design decisions

Since teaching myself assembly language (in previous blog posts), building a computer is my next step to understanding how my code actually gets run.

Building an 8-bit computer for Pong

I’ve been inspired to build an 8-bit computer that lets you play Pong. Why? Building my own computer that I understand down to the transistor will be super-interesting and educational for me, and Pong is the minimal program I’d be likely to actually use (which would also be super-fun). If I can, I’ll also make it possible to play other games.

Fun with Assembly 17: Beating constraints

This is the seventeenth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 16: Data Execution Prevention

This is the sixteenth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 15: Address space layout randomization

This is the fifteenth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.