Startups and Technology

Startups and Technology

Fun with Assembly 14: The heap

This is the fourteenth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 13: Overflows and Underflows

This is the thirteenth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 12: A bigger challenge

This is the twelfth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 11: More smashing through the stack

This is the eleventh in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 10: Overflowing the stack to mess with system calls

This is the tenth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 9: Seriously though, sanitise your inputs

This is the ninth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 8: Sanitising your users' input

This is the eighth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 7: Cracking attempts at security through obscurity

This is the seventh in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 6: More buffer overflows to change return values

This is the sixth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.

Fun with Assembly 5: Buffer Overflows to reach the parts other code can't reach

This is the fifth in a series. You might want to read the previous post before reading this.